Contact Us

Main phone number: 702-243-1885
Fax: 702-644-9261

Office Hours

Patients are seen by appointment only:

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-6:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Emergency cases are seen during office hours only. Any after hours emergency care should be sought through your primary care/family veterinarian or an emergency clinic.

E-mail Information

If your pet is a current patient of AADS then we are happy to answer any questions or process requests sent via email. Generally all email will receive a response within 24 hours or less.

Staff email:
This can be used to request prescription refills, appointment times and for general questions.


Get Directions

From the Northwest: Take 215 and head Southwest. Exit Durango and head north we are on the east side of the street between 215 and Russell across the street from Giuseppes Restaurant.

From the South part of the valley/Henderson: Take 215 West to Durango exit and head north on Durango. We are on the east side of the street between 215 and Russell across the street from Giuseppes Restaurant.